The female body is a
magical land isn’t it? So completely misunderstood by so many. Sort of like rape and abuse I suppose. The great mysteries and magic of it all is so
astounding in spite of the medical advances and technology available. Maybe it’s like the elusive giant squid,
we knew it existed we just couldn’t seem to locate it, until recently. Sort of like a vagina, and a uterus, and
maybe a cervix, only deep in the cavernous ocean, far, far away. Except, it’s not that difficult to locate the ubiquitous anatomy of a woman, what with all the women around, and the uterine probes, and legitimate rapes, and
illegitimate births and what not. Some
things, have certainly been going on down there or in and around there for some time.
Maybe when John Mayer sang, “your body’s a
wonderland....” he was
foreshadowing Representative Todd Akin’s comments. "It seems to me, from
what I understand from doctors, that's really rare,” Akin said in reference to
conception that resulted from a rape. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body
has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that
didn't work or something, I think there should be some punishment, but the
punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child."
Aside from not being able to understand that a woman’s inner workings
do not possess a shuffle type app that controls the fertilization of an egg
when she is being raped, there is additional news that might be puzzling to Akin. Contrary to
the belief that women’s bodies have a special mechanism to self-abort a fetus
or disallow one from being formed, as a result of rape, a study conducted by Princeton and
the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2001) resulted in
these findings: the rate of pregnancy from consensual, unprotected sex was 3.1
percent in contrast to the 6.4 percent resulting from rape. If we go along with Akin’s
thought (less) process, it would almost seem like the female body “wanted” to
become pregnant from being raped, like it was asking for the “gift” if you
consider what Representative Rick Santorum has to say about pregnancies
resulting from rape.
Although Santorum did not
make the cut for presidential nomination, he is still in office. These are
his beliefs: Sexual freedom that results
from contraception “has led to the
debasement of women, mental illness, and an epidemic of sexually transmitted
diseases, causing infertility cancer, even death." Do men
that enjoy sexual freedoms suffer these same consequences?
When pregnancy results from rape Santorum believes;
“As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it
still is her child....I think the right approach is to accept this horribly
created — in the sense of rape — but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way,
the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you....we have to make
the best out of a bad situation. One of
the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I
think the dangers of contraception in this country. It's not okay. It's a
license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are
supposed to be....
[Sex] is supposed to be within marriage. It's
supposed to be for purposes that are yes, conjugal… but also procreative.
That's the perfect way that a sexual union should happen…. This is special and
it needs to be seen as special.”
So this is just insanely
hard for me to follow, women shouldn’t be sexual beings in control of their
bodies and decisions, and when they are raped they should welcome this as a
gift? Maybe if we start questioning
whether rape was special and legitimate, that might clarify some
things. And when do any of these vocal
opponents of women’s rights to their own bodies state their beliefs about the
responsibility of men? And why aren’t
men and women alike demanding this discourse?
It might be interesting to determine what exactly Akin
meant by “legitimate” rape. Does “legitimate”
refer to the woman “asking” for it, by her manner of dress, or her looks, or
her inability to physically fight it off?
Does it mean she “deserved” it?
Was it the result of date rape?
Was it her spouse or a family member, did they believe they had rights
to her body? I can’t imagine what would legitimize rape or what distinguishes
it from being legitimate or not. I guess
I don’t really want to know. I don’t
want to know that in the minds of some, many sadly, there is some
distinguishing element to whether or not rape is legitimate. I wonder if these elements apply to Akin’s,
or Sanatorum’s wife, daughter, mother, or sister?
Romney has made many of his viewpoints regarding women clear. He has stated unapologetically, “Planned
Parenthood, we’re going to get rid of that.” Roe vs. Wade will be overturned under Romney's leadership. That will take care of all the problems I
guess. No more mental illness, no more
abortion, no more premarital sex and a chicken in every pot!
not stop here though, additionally, Romney does not believe equal pay is
warranted. He refused to answer whether he would support the Lily Ledbetter
Law. This law does not guarantee equal pay. The
fine print uncovers that the Lily Ledbetter Law does not grant women equal
pay-because, duh, in this country we don’t think that women need this right or
protection exactly. The Ledbetter Law
simply allows women the opportunity to state the case that they are not being
paid equally and then a court gets to determine the validity of the case, um,
payroll can’t provide this information lickety split? So let me just stress another
point here, not only is it ok for women to not get equal pay, but some believe
they should not be able to bring it up and dispute it in a court of law. What
this comes down to for me is that women are not to expect equal access to the
rights and laws that men take for granted.
But I am surely all about crazy.
Recently Eric Fehrnstrom, Mitt
Romney’s senior campaign adviser, said “…social issues important to women, such
as contraception coverage and abortion rights, were “shiny objects” that were
being used to distract voters. Does he
mean all the voters, the legitimate voters, or some of the easily distracted
women-type voters, I wonder.
I still don't quite see how these beliefs will impact men positively. Will the over-turning of Roe vs Wade somehow result in men marrying the pregnant women? Or there will be no more unmarried pregnant women? Will there be fewer divorces because men will only be marrying chaste and pure women that have not had sex because they weren't permitted to go all mental from contraceptive use? Child support not a concern because the lack of contraception will lead to happy, stable marriages?
I don’t want to pick on the
Republican’s candidates exclusively here, but they are making it easy of late. I feel pretty strongly about the way some of
the previous Democratic candidates and elected officials have treated the women closest
to them. It doesn’t bode well for the rest of us women when men treat their
wives with disrespect and dishonor, or other women like whores. It's not OK when we are called sluts for using contraception. It makes being a women in this nation, much
more difficult then it needs to be. We
are after all a nation so concerned about human rights aren’t we? Isn’t that why we have involved ourselves in
so many other nations conflicts?
Maybe it's time we started
grasping that women actually are human and they deserve the same rights as men,
in this nation and abroad even if the great mysteries of their uterine cavity
continues to amaze us. Perhaps Sojourner
Truth asked the wrong question so many years ago. Ain’t I a Human? might have
been a better starting point. It is easy
enough to determine who the women are, we are the ones with the mysteriously
functioning bodies.